No rest for the wicked....

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Although I am not working at quite the breakneck speed I was in March and April, my workload has not slowed down that much. At the moment I am working on two commissions (one simple and one more complex), two consignment pieces (simple) and one piece for a group show (medium in complexity). I can't complain though--on the contrary I am grateful. I am someone who needs to have deadlines to be really productive, so this is healthy for me.


Don't you know where peace is

Don't you know where peace is seen as a human right? I remember it, and I hope you tell it somewhere. Please send it if possible. When the Bible speaks of God (God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit as an entity), I don't remember seeing it in the Bible. This is my interpretation.

Your current website is

Your current website is growing fast enough and it is definitely one of my main functions. So, I stumbled upon a creative blog, I just want to say that this is a great blog post. Blessed is that you belong to this type of knowledge.

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