Fall 2021: Shows, Site Updates and Social Media
It's been a while since I've updated the site, so here's what's currently going on in my art life, and what will be happening soon.
Art Shows and Conventions
Yay, in-person conventions are back! I will be attending Orycon in Portland this coming weekend (Nov. 12-14) and will participate in the art show. For the first time, I have reserved both a table and a panel, so that I can show some of my hanging pieces along with the free-standing ones. I plan to participlate in Norwescon's art show next April as well, but am not sure if I will be attending the convention itself yet.
A 3-person art show at Gargoyle's Statuary is also on the books for April.
Badly Needed Website Updates
At some point in 2022, I will be doing an all-around update to this site. It's been a few years (or more) since I've updated the art, and it's badly needed.
Social Media
Another thing that's been badly neglected is my Facebook artist page. Ever since Facebook made some major changes to the public page toolkit, I've had major difficulty figuring out how to do anything. Between that, and FB's overall way of running things, I am seriously considering doing away with that page altogether and just using Instagram for art postings.
I haven't made a final decision yet, but will post it here when I do.
Have a good holiday season, everyone!

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